Furiosa - A Mad Max Saga

Concept of the establishing shot - stage 01

Concept of the establishing shot - stage 01

Concept of the establishing shot - stage 03

Concept of the establishing shot - stage 03

Final shot from compositing team of the film establisher

Final shot from compositing team of the film establisher

Final shot from compositing team of The Green Place

Final shot from compositing team of The Green Place

Approved Concept of The Green Place

Approved Concept of The Green Place

Original concept of the Green Place - the direction was to make it much more modern and contrast it with the rest of the Wasteland rather than depicting it in rudimentary forms and architecture

Original concept of the Green Place - the direction was to make it much more modern and contrast it with the rest of the Wasteland rather than depicting it in rudimentary forms and architecture

Final shot from compositing team of The Marauder Camp from above

Final shot from compositing team of The Marauder Camp from above

Concept of The Marauder Camp from above

Concept of The Marauder Camp from above

Concept of the The Marauder Camp

Concept of the The Marauder Camp

Final shot from compositing team of The Marauder Camp

Final shot from compositing team of The Marauder Camp

Concept of a storm look with medium density of the kicked up dust

Concept of a storm look with medium density of the kicked up dust

Concept of The Wasteland section

Concept of The Wasteland section

Final shot from compositing team of The Wasteland section ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

Final shot from compositing team of The Wasteland section ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

Final shot from compositing team of The Wasteland section ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

Final shot from compositing team of The Wasteland section ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

Concept of a canyon

Concept of a canyon

Final shot from compositing team of a canyon

Final shot from compositing team of a canyon

Concept of a section of a workshop within The Citadel

Concept of a section of a workshop within The Citadel

Final shot from compositing team of a unique wasteland's section

Final shot from compositing team of a unique wasteland's section

Concept frame of a unique wasteland's section

Concept frame of a unique wasteland's section

Final shot from compositing team of The Bullet Farm

Final shot from compositing team of The Bullet Farm

Concept frame of the Bullet Farm

Concept frame of the Bullet Farm

Final shot from compositing team of The Gastown

Final shot from compositing team of The Gastown

Concept frame of The Gastown

Concept frame of The Gastown

Concept of The Gastown at night

Concept of The Gastown at night

Concept of The Green Place surrounds

Concept of The Green Place surrounds

Concept of The Green Place surrounds

Concept of The Green Place surrounds

Concept/Final shot of a section of The Wasteland ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

Concept/Final shot of a section of The Wasteland ( my task was the background design and final matte painting )

I had the privilege of being a concept designer on Furiosa - A Mad Max Saga, working alongside DNEG's supervisors: Andrew Jackson, Dan Bethell, and briefly, directly with the brilliant George Miller.

Here is a selection of the images I was involved in creating, mostly as a concept designer but also as a matte painter. It was an awesome project to work on; I thoroughly enjoyed the tasks I was given and the creative problems that needed to be solved. We designed a vast number of sets and established the look of the key sequences. The process usually included sketching, speed painting, 3D modelling, combining assets, and creating scenes in Clarisse (lighting and rendering there), combining passes in Nuke, and then working in Photoshop on the final look of the frames.

Let's hope the saga will continue on!

Image rights belong to WB and DNEG. All rights reserved.